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Is Your Neighborhood Safe? The Truth About Global Warming! | Sonal Shah Houston

Global warming is probably the most important problem our world is dealing with at the moment. Global warming is indeed the slow rise in the overall temperature of our world, typically caused by activities started by human beings. Global warming impacts climate, sea level, and the environment, harming hundreds of millions of people all around the world. Today in this article, we are thinking about what is global warming, why global warming, how global warming impacts our world, and how can we minimize its impact.

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is a slow process of increasing the temperature of our globe Earth due to the accumulation of gases in our atmosphere which are called the greenhouse gases. They are like gases composed of carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane (CH₄), and nitrous oxide (N₂O) which are utilized to retain the heat of the sun and produce a “blanket effect” to warm our globe.

Think of a car sitting in the sun on a hot day. When you leave your car in the sun with rolled-down windows, heat in your car is trapped, and your car is warm to work with. The Earth is warmed up in the same manner that greenhouse gases trap heat so it won’t lose itself in space.

Why Global Warming occurs

Global warming is caused by a cycle of human activity:

1. Combustion of Fossil Fuels

They burn coal, oil, and gas to power electricity, fuel industries, and run automobiles. Burning releases an enormous amount of CO₂ into the air and thus is also one of the biggest causes of global warming.

2. Deforestation

Trees absorb CO₂ from the environment and cool the earth. Trees that trap CO₂ are lost when trees are cut down to be used by businesses, farms, and households. Concentration of greenhouse gases increases.

3. Industrial Pollution

Industrial release of toxic gases such as carbon dioxide and methane in the environment has risen many times. Industrialization, especially China and India, has contributed to additional pollution and warming the earth.

4. Livestock and Agriculture

Cattle and livestock emit methane, which is an extremely lethal greenhouse gas. Two of the most lethal drivers of global warming are animal farming and meat.

5. Plastics and Waste

Waste dump rubbish rubbish releases methane gas as waste is decomposed. Plastics also pollute and fuel global warming.

The Evidence of Global Warming

Human beings are interested to know whether global warming exists or not. The reality is that we already feel its effects in nearly all parts of the world. Some of the evidences are as follows:

1. Extreme Weather Events

Currently, there has been Texas and similar other places that have been battling harsh winter storms, but record temperature has prevailed in some areas. Climate change has its firsthand effect in the sense that it leads to extreme weather.

2. Warming of Oceans

Oceans trap most of the global warming heat. The oceans become heated when they absorb CO₂ and form huge hurricanes, typhoons, and floodings.

3. Sea Level Rise and Melting Glaciers

The ice caps are melting very rapidly, and the oceans are rising. Miami and Osaka cities will be preyed upon by catastrophic flooding if the trend goes on.

4. Increasing Wildfires

Canadian cities and California are facing worse and more common wildfires because of hot and arid weather conditions. The wildfires burn forests, houses, and wildlife habitats.

5. Big City Smog

India and China are filled with pollution because of industrialization and overuse of coal. These cause millions of deaths and cause the onset of lung diseases.

What is the Future of Our Planet?

Nothing can be done to stop global warming, and therefore it will just keep on increasing:

  • Coastal Cities Underwater – sea levels rise and swallow coastal cities and millions have to be resettled.
  • Additional Heatwaves and Drought – Even more of the planet will be warmer and drier.
  • Shortage of Food and Water – Global warming hurts crops, and this will be hard to plant them and supply drinking water.
  • Decline in Wildlife – Most of the animals lose their natural environment, and this causes extinction.
  • Additional Health Issues Additional pollution and heat cause heat strokes, lung disease, and other health problems.

How Can We Help?

We can fight global warming by simply altering a few ways:

1. Use Renewable Energy

Switching to solar and wind energy minimizes the use of fossil fuels. Each country is adopting a shift in the use of renewable energy as part of its functioning to be low on carbon emission.

2. Save Electricity

Turn off the light, fan, and other electricity-operated appliances when not in use. Electricity is conserved by power-saving devices.

3. Less Use of Vehicles

Vehicles release CO₂ into the air. Walking, cycling, car-pooling, or using the public transport facility can minimize CO₂ emission.

4. Proper Plantation

Plants and trees absorb CO₂ and give clean air. Organize afforestation drives and plant trees.

5. Less Use of Meat

Livestock breeding is the cause of more methane emission. Encourage vegetarian food in a move to stem the greenhouse gases.

6. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Minimizing wastage, recycling, and plastic usage can save the world.

7. Support Climate Policies

World government and authorities are attempting to undo the climate change effect. There should be increased endorsement policies on clean energy, conservation, and sustainability practiced.

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Global warming is something which is almost touching the entire world. The evidence is here – increasing temperatures, melting of polar ice caps, disasters, and hazy skies are all indications that the world is undergoing some change or another. But at least then we have the choice of doing something about it. If we also bring some minor changes to our life and become a part of the working world, we can retard the process of climate change and bequeath ourselves and future generations a harmonious way of living.

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